Why are young people not interested in politics?

May 15, 2019 Off By idswater

Why are young people not interested in politics?

The midterms are fast approaching and, once again, voter turnout among young people is expected to lag behind other age demographics. According to Gallup, for example, 82 percent of people age 65 and up have an interest in voting, whereas only 26 percent of those under 30 do. Young people have an image problem.

What are the political attitudes of young Americans?

Our results show that while many young Americans hold cynical views of politics, they are not completely alienated from the political system, and the majority of them are concerned about issues and the future of the government.

How many young people think politics is too complicated?

In contrast, only 7.2 percent strongly agreed that young people found politics too complicated, and only 15.2 percent strongly agreed that young people were too apathetic. Our survey also profiled the young people most involved in politics and those least involved.

Why are older people more interested in politics?

But it is broadly in line with findings last year in the British Social attitudes survey, which found that older people were more likely to see it as their civic duty to vote and had a stronger party allegiances than the young.

Why are young people not involved in politics?

Historically, young people have not felt included in the political realm. The accusations that young people are politically apathetic are being refuted by countless new studies, but many in this generation are turning away from mainstream politics and towards political organizing, social movements, rallies and boycotts.

Our results show that while many young Americans hold cynical views of politics, they are not completely alienated from the political system, and the majority of them are concerned about issues and the future of the government.

What are the most important issues to young people?

95 percent of young people surveyed indicated that issues were very important in deciding how they would vote. In contrast, only small minorities said celebrity endorsements (2.2 percent), the candidates’ race (5.2 percent), or the candidates’ physical appearance (6.2 percent) were very important to them.

Why did Peter Jennings start over in 1980?

The Century: Peter Jennings Starting Over: 1976-1980 Many Americans were unsure of America at the time because we had just finished dealing with numerous social problems at home, we had just lost the war in Vietnam, and we had an unelected president. American’s felt like The Century: Peter Jennings Starting Over: 1976-1980 1.