What is SRDH status in Aadhar card?

July 3, 2019 Off By idswater

What is SRDH status in Aadhar card?

The SRDH is a repository of UIDAI data of residents, along with their demographic data and photograph. The biometric details like iris and fingerprints are not stored at the state level and are available with the UIDAI CIDR only.

How can I know my SRDH status?

You need to log on the website: http://epds.telangana.gov.in/FoodSecurityAct/ Find “FSC Search” from left side menu and click on that. You will be redirected to a new page in which you should find out for “FSC Application Search” and click on that to go status page.

How can I link my ration card with Aadhar in Rajasthan?

Link Aadhar to Ration Card – Online

  1. Visit the official web portal of Aadhar Card – UIDAI webpage.
  2. Click on the ‘Start Now’ option.
  3. Proceed further and enter your address details – district and state.
  4. Select the benefit type as ‘Ration Card’ from the available options.
  5. Choose the scheme name as ‘Ration Card’.

How can I get Aadhar card in Rajasthan?

First, you have to clear online test of uidai certification of a supervisor or an operator to open an Aadhar card center. Second, you have to open the emitra center at the government place. So first you have to open E Mitra center in place of government, after that you can apply for Aadhar Card Enrollment Center.

Where is EID number in aadhar?

The EID is displayed on the top of your enrolment/update acknowledgement slip and contains 14 digit enrolment number (1234/12345/12345) and the 14 digit date and time (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss) of enrolment. These 28 digits together form your Enrolment ID (EID).

What is Eid ration card?

An EID or Aadhaar enrolment ID is issued at the time of submission of an Aadhaar letter, or Aadhaar application.

Is it mandatory to link Aadhaar with ration card?

Yes, as per the government notification it is mandatory to link your Aadhaar card with a ration card. This is done to prevent any kind of duplicity and to ensure that eligible families do not get deprived of the benefits of ration cards by eliminating holding of multiple ration cards by a single-family.

How to know which mobile number is linked with Aadhar?

How to verify email id or mobile number linked to Aadhaar card

  1. Visit the official website of UIDAI, uidai.gov.in.
  2. On the homepage, click on the ‘Aadhaar Services’ and select the option ‘Verify email/ mobile number.’
  3. Enter your 12-digit Aadhar number or UID on the page.

How to check which mobile number is linked with Aadhar?

If you have any doubt about whether your correct mobile number or email has been linked with Aadhaar, you can verify the same using this link: https://resident.uidai.gov.in/verify-email-mobile.”

Can a resident voluntarily use His Aadhar number?

A resident can voluntarily use his Aadhaar number in physical or electronic form by way of authentication or offline verification, or in such other form as may be specified by UIDAI. Mandatory Aadhaar authentication can be performed if the purpose is backed by law or it is in State interest.

Which is the best way to download e Aadhaar?

Resident can download e-Aadhaar by following two ways. By Using Enrollment Number:Resident can download e-Aadhaar using 28 digit enrolment no. along with Full Name and Pin code. In this download process OTP is received on registered mobile no. Resident can also use TOTP to download e-Aadhaar instead of OTP.

Do you need to update your address in Aadhaar?

Do not forget to update your new address in your Aadhaar. You have Valid Address Proof or have received Address Validation Letter Letter (For those without Valid Address Proof), you can update your address.

Which is the PIN code for E Aadhar?

Resident can download e-Aadhaar by following two ways. By Using Enrollment Number:Resident can download e-Aadhaar using 28 digit enrolment no. along with Full Name and Pin code. By Using Aadhaar No:Resident can download e-Aadhaar by using 12 digits Aadhaar No. along with Full Name and Pin code.