Are Crane toilets still made?

July 15, 2019 Off By idswater

Are Crane toilets still made?

Crane Plumbing has manufactured commercial and residential plumbing products for more than 135 years. In 2008, Crane merged with Eljer and American Standard to create American Standard Brands but still manufactures toilets still under the Crane Plumbing brand.

What happened Crane Plumbing?

Crane plumbing has merged with American Standard. In light of this, Crane Plumbing products are no longer being offered in the trade channel. We will continue to provide customer care support and product information support for these brands, which can be found on this site.

Where is the model number on a Crane toilet tank?

Place the tank lid on the floor. Near the water level mark, you’ll see a four-digit number on the back of the tank. You have the tank model number.

When did they stop making crane toilets?

from as early as 1886 until the mid to late 1970s. Of the many companies that produced plumbing fixtures at the start of the twentieth century Crane Co. was one of the few that has had great longevity. Founded in 1855, Crane Co. is still operational today.

When did Crane Plumbing go out of business?

Crane Co. Began to sell plumbing fixtures and trim in 1886 and continued uninterrupted until it sold its U. S. plumbing operations in 1984.

Who bought crane toilets?

American Standard Brands
Since Crane Plumbing was acquired by American Standard Brands, it can be difficult to find repair or replacement parts for these toilets.

Are Crane toilet tanks interchangeable?

Because of Crane’s unique “mix & match” system, as long as your tank number matches, you should be good to go even if the bowl doesn’t look exactly the same.

Is Crane going out of business?

In correction to a news article published elsewhere, Crane Stationery is not going out of business. The company has sustained a shutdown since March 18, creating challenges that necessitated significant adjustments to its business operations.

Are cranes still in business?

When did Crane stop making toilets?

Are there any OEM parts for a crane toilet?

Because Crane has been under American Standard Brands for some time now, OEM parts are often difficult to find. Many of the parts we offer for Crane toilets are considered “will fit” – a part that is not made by the original manufacturer, but will fit and function like the original part.

Who is the parent company of Crane Plumbing?

In the 1990’s, Crane Plumbing purchased Universal-Rundle Corp. and continued to manufacture many of their toilet models under the URC label, but the internal components (i.e., flush valves, flappers, trip levers, etc.) of many were notably different.

Do you know the tank number on a crane toilet?

Crane tended to take a “mix & match” approach to their toilet models, and so you will often see the same tank used on a variety of bowl styles. We include pictures of various toilet styles on our site so that those who cannot find or read the tank number in their toilet can still find parts.

Is the crane toilet made by Universal Rundle?

Most of them say ‘will fit’…” A. Crane Plumbing has a very complex history, and it’s very possible that your toilet was in fact manufactured by either American Standard or Universal Rundle, depending on when it was made.