How do you reference a Rolfe reflective model?

September 24, 2019 Off By idswater

How do you reference a Rolfe reflective model?

Reference for the Rolfe et al model (2001): Rolfe, G., Freshwater, D., Jasper, M. (2001) Critical reflection in nursing and the helping professions: a user’s guide. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Why use Rolfe reflective model?

The core advantages of the Rolfe model relate to its simplicity and clarity. Rolfe’s own writing indicates that is important not only to consider reflection after the event, but reflection in the moment – as an event is taking place – so that immediate corrective action may be considered.

How do you demonstrate reflective practice?

Developing and Using Reflective Practice

  1. Read – around the topics you are learning about or want to learn about and develop.
  2. Ask – others about the way they do things and why.
  3. Watch – what is going on around you.
  4. Feel – pay attention to your emotions, what prompts them, and how you deal with negative ones.

What is Rolfe reflective model?

Professor Gary Rolfe and colleagues (2001) describe another useful framework for self-reflection in their book ‘Framework for Reflective Practice’. It’s based around three simple questions: What? – describe a particular situation, then focus on achievements, consequences, responses, feelings and any problems.

Why do we use reflective models?

Why use a model? Using a model when reflecting can help users focus on learning and self-awareness after an incident, and avoid simply retelling the events. Several reflective models already exist, many of which consist of similar stages.

Which is reflective essay model does Rolfe use?

This reflective essay will adopt Rolfe’s model of reflection, (Rolfe, G et al. 2001) which was derived from Borton’s developmental model. (Boyd E et al. 1983)

How is the Rolfe reflective model different from Bortons?

• More comprehensive compared to Bortons (1970) model. • Rolfe’s model was developed specifically for nursing and healthcare. For example, consideration of what happened from the client and others perspectives (ScOPT, 2017). • Incorporates intangible elements of the experience, including feelings (Jasper, 2013).

Is the Rolfe model based on a original model?

Rolfe’s model provides a framework that can be used to undertake a reflective process. The model is not entirely original; it is based on Borton’s (1970) model.

What are the questions in the reflective model?

’s (2001) reflective model Rolfe et al.’s (2001) reflective model is based upon three simple questions: What? So what? Now what? Below is a list of questions that you may choose to answer in response to the three elements. What? … is the problem/difficulty/ reason for being stuck/reason for feeling bad/reason we don’t get on?