Is Jeffrey Wigand married?

October 1, 2019 Off By idswater

Is Jeffrey Wigand married?

Hope May
Jeffrey Wigand/Spouse

What did Jeffrey Wigand expose?

Dr. Jeffrey Wigand exposed safety problems related to the tobacco industry. In 1995, Dr. He blew the whistle on the industry’s disregard for the public’s health and safety during an interview with 60 MINUTES, as well as amid a deposition he was compelled to give in an action against the tobacco companies.

Who was Jeffrey Wigand first wife?

Lucretia Nimocks
Lucretia Nimocks, former wife of Jeffrey Wigand, has threatened legal action against Walt Disney Co. and Michael Mann Productions because she thinks the filmmakers portrayed her as a gold-digging trophy wife who abandoned her husband because he lost his job.

How much did Jeffrey Wigand make?

The appeal was seductive for a man who prided himself on his research skills, and Wigand’s title would be impressive: head of R&D. He would soon be paid more than he had ever earned in his life—$300,000 a year.

Where is Jeff Wigand now?

Wigand briefly taught chemistry and Japanese at duPont Manuel Magnet High School in Louisville, Kentucky and was named 1996 Teacher of the Year for the state of Kentucky. Dr. Wigand now is a lecturer, expert witness, and consultant on tobacco-related issues.

Who blew the whistle on Big tobacco?

Jeffrey Stephen Wigand
Jeffrey Stephen Wigand (/ˈwaɪɡænd/; born December 17, 1942) is an American biochemist and former vice president of research and development at Brown & Williamson in Louisville, Kentucky, who worked on the development of reduced-harm cigarettes and in 1996 blew the whistle on tobacco tampering at the company.

What is the Whistleblower Protection Act of 2012?

The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012 (WPEA) was signed into law in 2012. The law strengthened the protections for federal employees who disclose evidence of waste, fraud, or abuse.