What does sequelae mean in medical terms?

December 17, 2019 Off By idswater

What does sequelae mean in medical terms?

Sequela: A pathological condition resulting from a prior disease, injury, or attack. As for example, a sequela of polio. Verbatim from the Latin “sequela” (meaning sequel). Plural: sequelae.

Is sequelae singular or plural?

sequela. noun. se·​quela | \ si-ˈkwe-lə \ plural sequelae\ si-​ˈkwe-​(ˌ)lē \

What is complication in medical terminology?

Complication: In medicine, an unanticipated problem that arises following, and is a result of, a procedure, treatment, or illness. A complication is so named because it complicates the situation.

What is a sequela diagnosis?

According to Code It Right Online, “’sequela’ in ICD-10-CM, is a chronic or residual condition that is a complication of an acute condition that occurs after the acute phase of a disease, illness or injury.

Can a sequela diagnosis be primary?

According to the ICD-10-CM Manual guidelines, a sequela (7th character “S”) code cannot be listed as the primary, first listed, or principal diagnosis on a claim, nor can it be the only diagnosis on a claim.

What are some examples of sequelae?

Some conditions may be diagnosed retrospectively from their sequelae. An example is pleurisy. Other examples of sequelae include those following neurological injury; including aphasia, ataxia, hemi- and quadriplegia, and any number of other changes that may be caused by neurological trauma.

What is the difference between complications and problems?

A complication is a problem or difficulty that makes a situation harder to deal with. An added complication is the growing concern for the environment. A complication is a medical problem that occurs as a result of another illness or disease.

What are the types of complications?

Types of Complications

  • Autoimmune Disorders.
  • Blood Pressure Problems.
  • Preterm Labor.
  • Diabetes.
  • Digestive and Liver Disorders.
  • Fetal Growth Problems.
  • Infections in Pregnancy.
  • Nervous System Disorders.

What is an example of sequelae?

Is there a time limit on when a late effect can be used?

There is no time limit on when a sequela code can be used. The residual effect may be present early or may occur months or years later. Two codes are generally required: one describing the nature of the sequela and one for the sequela.

What are disease complications?

A complication in medicine, or medical complication, is an unfavorable result of a disease, health condition, or treatment. Complications may adversely affect the prognosis, or outcome, of a disease.

What are some complications of Covid 19?

In this Article

  • Acute Respiratory Failure.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
  • Acute Liver Injury.
  • Acute Cardiac Injury.
  • Secondary Infection.
  • Acute Kidney Injury.
  • Septic Shock.