What is a normal size for the isthmus of the thyroid?

December 24, 2019 Off By idswater

What is a normal size for the isthmus of the thyroid?

The mean volume of the thyroid gland measured by ultrasonography was 32.3 ± 21.0 cm3, and the mean length of the thyroid isthmus was 5.4 ± 3.2 mm.

What level is isthmus of thyroid gland?

The right and left lobes of the thyroid gland are connected by an isthmus. The isthmus lies at the level of the second and third tracheal rings. Occasionaly, the isthmus may be absent.

How thick should the isthmus be?

For clinical practice, we propose to accept the following “cut off” values of isthmus depth: 2.6 mm for male and 2.7 mm for female aged between 7–9 years, 3.3 mm for male and 3.5 mm for female aged between 10–12 years.

What is an isthmus on thyroid?

The isthmus is the central but relatively very small part of the thyroid gland that connects the right and left thyroid lobes. It is directly anterior to the trachea and is covered by the strap muscles, fascia, and skin in the middle of the neck.

What is the function of Isthmus of thyroid?

The gland is shaped like a butterfly, with “wings,” or lobes, located on each side of the windpipe. These lobes are joined by a bridge of tissue known as the isthmus, which spans across the windpipe. The thyroid makes hormones that travel in the blood to tissues throughout the body.

What connects the 2 lobes of the thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland is a very vascular organ that is located in the neck. It consists of two lobes, one on each side of the trachea, just below the larynx or voice box. The two lobes are connected by a narrow band of tissue called the isthmus.

How do you read a thyroid ultrasound?


  1. the normal thyroid gland has a homogeneous appearance.
  2. the capsule may appear as a thin hyperechoic line.
  3. each lobe normally measures 4 length: 4-7 cm. depth: < 2 cm. isthmus < 0.5 cm deep.
  4. volume (excluding isthmus, unless its thickness is > 3 mm) 6 10-15 mL for females. 12-18 mL for males.

What is the normal thickness of the thyroid isthmus?

The normal thyroid weighs approximately 15 to 25 g, with each lobe 4 to 6 cm in length and 1.3 to 1.8 cm in thickness. The isthmus measures less than 4 to 5 mm.

What are the normal measurements of a thyroid gland?

In patients with intact thyroid tissues, the normal levels should be below or equal to 33 nanograms per milliliter. For those devoid of thyroid tissue, the levels should be below 0.1 nanograms per milliliter.

What is the size of a thyroid?

The normal size, or range of size, of the thyroid gland in adults is 4 to 4.8 cm x 1.0 to 1.8 cm x 0.8 to1.6 cm. As mentioned above, the thyroid gland is one of the largest endocrine glands found in humans. The weight of this gland in neonates is about 2-3 grams.

What does enlarged thyroid lobe mean?

Thyroid enlargement refers to a thyroid gland that is larger than normal. The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck, below the Adam’s apple, and may become enlarged due to hyper or hypo-thyroidism. An enlarged thyroid is also known as a goiter.