What was unique about the election of 2000 quizlet?
What was unique about the election of 2000 quizlet?
Terms in this set (8) Al Gore, Bush’s Democratic rival, won the popular vote by a narrow margin, but Bush attained a plurality of votes from the electoral college. Ultimately, the outcome hinged on election results from the state of Florida, where voting irregularities created uncertainty about who had truly triumphed.
Why was the outcome of the 2000 presidential election unusual quizlet?
What was unusual about the election of 2000? The election was very close. Even though Al Gore won the popular vote, the election was ultimately decided by the electoral votes of Florida. The election in Florida was decided by only 500 votes and was disputed because of problems with the voting machines.
What made the election of 2000 controversial quizlet?
What made the 2000 presidential election so controversial? On election night, the vote was so close that no winner could be declared. The court stopped the recount, and Florida’s electoral votes went to Bush. Bush became president of the United States, although Gore had won the popular vote.
What issue seemed to matter most to voters during the 2000 election quizlet?
What issue seemed to matter most to voters during the 2000 election? Restoring respect to the office of president. What reason did the Supreme Court give for ending the re-count in Florida? They thought the re-count would take too long and might be illegal.
What was the historical significance of the presidential election of 2000 quizlet?
The Election of 2000 came down to the electoral college and specifically the vote in Florida. Because of the controversy over the recount in Florida, the Gore campaign sued to have a manual recount. This was significant because it was the first time the Supreme Court got involved in an electoral decision.
What was significant about the 2000 election?
It was the fourth of five American presidential elections, and the first in 112 years, in which the winning candidate lost the popular vote, and is considered one of the closest elections in US history, with longstanding controversy surrounding the ultimate results.
What was the role of the Supreme Court in the 2000 presidential election quizlet?
The 2000 election was between Al Gore and George W. Bush. This election was proved to be one of the closest in the nation’s history and because of the small difference in the ballot, a divided Supreme Court ruled that the state of Florida’s court ordered manual recount of votes in the election was unconstitutional.
Why did the Supreme Court intervene during the 2000 presidential election quizlet?
Why did the Supreme Court intervene during the 2000 presidential election? To resolve the confusion over the election. Which factor determined how the No Child Left Behind Act allocated federal funds for schools? Academic achievement of students.
What was the issue with the 2000 election?
The returns showed that Bush had won Florida by such a close margin that state law required a recount. A month-long series of legal battles led to the highly controversial 5–4 Supreme Court decision Bush v. Gore, which ended the recount.
Why did the Supreme Court decide the 2000 presidential election quizlet?
Terms in this set (6) Explain the controversy over the presidential election of 2000. On Dec 12, 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that because identical ballots might be treated differently by different vote counters, the recount violated the U.S. Constitution’s equal protection clause.
What was a major result of the Watergate controversy quizlet?
What was a major result of the Watergate controversy? 2. The president resigned from office.