What are some volleyball chants?

June 1, 2020 Off By idswater

What are some volleyball chants?

Volleyball Chants

  • Go Team!
  • Chant #1. Mustangs is our name, Volleyball is our game,
  • Chant #2. “Hey Hey.
  • Yeah!
  • Chant #3. Alright, alright, alright, alright, hey!
  • Chant #4. Wooooosh (slide stepping in one direction) what was that?
  • Chant #5. We’ve got the power to be #1,
  • Chant #6. We are the Spartans (or your team name)

What do you yell at volleyball games?


  • Bump, set, spike it. That’s the way we like it!
  • Jump up and hit it. That’s the way we get the. POINT!
  • (clap clap) (stomp stomp) kill!
  • Aaaahhh. Kill kill kill.
  • Slam bam. You can’t block that.

    What do you Cheers for on a volleyball team?

    Volleyball cheers for Celebrating Great Plays and Pumping up the Crowd! (team name) all the way! Go (team name)! We will put you away! The whoopse out of you!

    What are some good chants for a volleyball team?

    Here are some popular volleyball chants to pump up your team. H-O-T-T-O-G-O (name of your team) is Hot to go!! Say what, what? Hot to go! Say what, what? Hot to go! we just can’t be beat! Ace: Players on court go… Ahhhhhhhh ace! ‘grunt’ (players clap as they grunt) then team bench players do the same thing right after.

    What does it mean to serve an ace in volleyball?

    In Volleyball an Ace is when the server serves the ball to the other team and it either lands in the opponent’s court without being touched, OR the ball is touched but the player receiving the ball is unable to keep the ball in play. Check out the following cheers and chants for when an ace is served: Kiss my ace!

    Why do volleyball fans cheer after a spike?

    In volleyball an occurrence of a spike is regularly regarded as being the most attractive way to earn a point and can set the fans wild, while also resulting in a great morale boost for the team, particularly if fans cheer and chant after the spike. Many refer to spiking as the “slam dunk” of volleyball.

    Volleyball cheers for Celebrating Great Plays and Pumping up the Crowd! (team name) all the way! Go (team name)! We will put you away! The whoopse out of you!

    Why are volleyball cheers and chants so short?

    Volleyball cheers and chants, on the other hand, work a little differently for three reasons: Cheers and chants must be short due to the quick nature of the game where points and the time in-between points do not last very long For these reasons it can be hard to come up with good cheers and chants.

    What are some good Cheers for a cheerleader?

    When it’s time to get the fans involved, we have a few great cheers to help you spread the enthusiasm. Go BJH! No one will forget your team with this chant. It repeats your team name and if you get creative with your motions, it can really make an impact. Stand up and clap your hands! Go Knights Go! Now let’s see you wave your hand!

    In Volleyball an Ace is when the server serves the ball to the other team and it either lands in the opponent’s court without being touched, OR the ball is touched but the player receiving the ball is unable to keep the ball in play. Check out the following cheers and chants for when an ace is served: Kiss my ace!