What is the group of people watching a performance called?

September 8, 2020 Off By idswater

What is the group of people watching a performance called?

The noun audience can describe all the people watching a performance, or the part of the general public interested in a specific type of information or entertainment.

What mean peeking?

to look or glance quickly or furtively, especially through a small opening or from a concealed location; peep; peer. noun. a quick or furtive look or glance; peep.

What is the word for looking secretly?

What is another word for secret look?

peek glance
sneaky look stealthy look
brief look hurried look
once-over quick look
Jack Nohi gaze

What is no peeking?

English – English – no peeking without looking.

Does peak mean good?

Peak. Peak is a tricky word that can be either a compliment or an insult; like many words, the meaning changes depending on the context (for example, when Ludacris says “my chick bad,” he means she’s actually good).

What are some secret words?


  • clandestine.
  • covert.
  • hush-hush.
  • intriguing.
  • mysterious.
  • quiet.
  • secret.
  • sly.

What are the four types of audiences?

The 4 Types of Audience

  • Friendly. Your purpose: reinforcing their beliefs.
  • Apathetic. Your purpose is to first to convince them that it matters for them.
  • Uninformed. Your requirement is to educate before you can begin to propose a course of action.
  • Hostile. You purpose is to respect them and their viewpoint.

What is a group of actors called 7 letter word?

The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the group of actors crossword clue….

group of actors
Group of actors
A word for a unit of Guides, the crew of a ship, a group of actors or a body of soldiers (7)

What do you call people who watch other people play sports?

Some people like to watch other people play sports. Those who watch others playing sports are called fans. While some fans watch sports on television, others actually go to stadiums or other places where people pay to watch them in person. These fans are called spectators.

What do you call people who come to a sporting event?

a group of people who have come to a place to see or hear a film, performance, speech etc. The people who watch a sports match or other large event are usually called spectators or the crowd.

Are there any real men who watch sports?

I don’t want to seem superior or mean, but professional athletes are a bunch of millionaires who bash each other’s brains in for our amusement. Certainly there’s a better way to understand ourselves as Americans and as men. Read more men’s Lifestyle content on The Good Life.

What do you call people who watch a movie?

a group of people who have come to a place to see or hear a film, performance, speech etc. The people who watch a sports match or other large event are usually called spectators or the crowd. box office.

Some people like to watch other people play sports. Those who watch others playing sports are called fans. While some fans watch sports on television, others actually go to stadiums or other places where people pay to watch them in person. These fans are called spectators.

Which is the most watched sport on TV?

Basketball is 2nd with most watch on tv American football is the most watched in the United States including the superbowls Etienne Sigouin Pook Wook (2017) It’s cuz soccer isn’t a real sports, it’s just a bunch of people ona field where’s there is zere action acting like they were hurt.

I don’t want to seem superior or mean, but professional athletes are a bunch of millionaires who bash each other’s brains in for our amusement. Certainly there’s a better way to understand ourselves as Americans and as men. Read more men’s Lifestyle content on The Good Life.

Why is sports a great place to watch?

Sports is a great place to watch people who are in the best .001% at something do what they’re great at, against other .001% people. Meanwhile, you—who are in like the best 73% at that thing—get to sit on your fat couch and judge them.