What is a good 200m time for high school boy?

December 3, 2020 Off By idswater

What is a good 200m time for high school boy?

The average time would reflect a race by a middling quality runner. So you would likely see average ability boys at the age of 14 running around the 27–29 sec mark. Girls would be low 30s. Exceptional runners would be capable of running a time ranging from 23 to 25 secs.

What is the average 100m time for a 16 year old boy?

For most boys in their middle teen years the average 100m time will usually often be somewhere between a high of 14.4seconds with a low of 12.3seconds. But that’s only the 60% of boy’s times in we get the world; the other 36% can get it around between 11.8 and all the way down to perhaps 10.9sec.

Who is the fastest man in the world at 100 meters?

Michael Johnson held the record for the 200 and 400. But people who can win at 100 meters generally run out of gas before the end of a 400, and quarter-milers don’t have the raw speed required to win at 100 meters.

Who is the fastest old man in the world?

The World’s Fastest (Old) Man. Age has slowed Charles Allie, but only slightly. At 71, he wants the world record in 100 meters to go along with his age group records in the 200 and 400. PITTSBURGH — Charles Allie is 71 years old, and he is fast. Chances are, he is a much faster runner than you are — faster, in fact, than you ever were.

What’s the average sprint time for a 16 year old girl?

The following are national norms for 16 to 19 year olds from the reference Physical Education and the Study of Sport: Text with CD-ROM A 4.0 hand time or faster from the runner’s first movement is considered excellent. For Females, 4.5 is excellent.

What’s the average 100m time for a boy?

For most boys in their middle teen years the average 100m time will usually often be somewhere between a high of 14.4seconds with a low of 12.3seconds.

How old do you have to be to set a junior world record?

The Junior World Records in Swimming are the fastest times ever swum by a “junior” swimmer, with junior defined as the following ages (age as of December 31 of the year of the swim): 1 girls – 17 years old or younger 2 boys – 18 years old or younger More

What’s the world record for 10, 000 meters?

For all races 10,000 meters and shorter, we list track records. To see a complete list, visit our world records page. Note: Several of the “softer” records — 2 mile, 10 mile, 25K, 30K, and 50 mile — have been removed from this tool’s calculations because they were skewing the results.

How to tell if your child is a fast runner?

At 7 years old, it starts to get easier to find athletic or track clubs to join and train with. Children have more competitive options starting to open up. 7 is still very young in terms of development and correct form should be more important than running great times. A 7 year old running 100 meters in under 35 seconds is quicker than average.