How long will the sun shine powered by nuclear fusion?
How long will the sun shine powered by nuclear fusion?
Fusing one kilogram of hydrogen into helium releases 630 trillion joules of energy. That’s nearly 5 million times what you’d get by burning the same hydrogen to get water. Thus, fusion of hydrogen will keep the Sun shining at a constant luminosity not for 20 thousand years, but for as much as 100 billion years.
What are the bright spots on the surface of the sun that are emitting hot glowing material?
The photosphere is marked by bright, bubbling granules of plasma and darker, cooler sunspots, which emerge when the sun’s magnetic field breaks through the surface. Sunspots appear to move across the sun’s disk.
How much hydrogen is converted to helium in the sun?
In each nuclear conversion 4 hydrogen atoms are combined to produce a helium atom. This reaction occurs throughout the Sun and by this process our Sun converts 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 million tons of helium every second.
How do we know how old the sun is quizlet?
How do we know the age of the Sun? Through radioactive dating of rocks, we can determine the age of Earth, the Moon, and meteorites to be about 4.5 billion years.
Is the sun losing or gaining mass?
The Sun actually does lose mass in the process of producing energy. Let us see how much. we find that the Sun loses mass 4.289×1012 g every second to energy. Or, in other units, the Sun loses mass 1.353×1020 g every year to energy.
Why does the sun shine visibly?
Why does the Sun shine visibly? To learn that the Sun is mostly hydrogen and helium astronomers observed. The plasma of the Sun is hot and wants to expand, and this pressure balances gravity.
Which of the following is the best answer to the question why does the sun shine?
Which of the following is the best answer to the question, “Why does the Sun shine?” As the Sun was forming, gravitational contraction increased the Sun’s temperature until the core become hot enough for nuclear fusion, which ever since has generated the heat that makes the Sun shine.
Does the sun shine everyday?
ANSWER: The truth is that the sun is always shining and will shine continuously until it dies. The question to answer here is “Why do we not see the sun at night, and why do we only see it during the day?” Technically, we say “day” to mean when we can see the sun shining, and “night” when we have no sunlight.
Why does the sun always shine in space?
Simply put, it’s because space itself is nearly empty of particles to reflect and refract sunlight as an atmosphere does. The light energy goes straight through, so to speak. On a planet with an atmosphere, the daylight experienced isn’t directly from the sun.
What does space smell like?
As it turns out, space actually does have a distinct odor. Astronauts returning from space claim that their suits smell, in a word, burnt. The lingering scent of space is “acrid” and “metallic,” reminding the astronauts of charred meat or welding fumes.
Why can’t you see the stars in space?
Fast exposure times means they can get good pictures of the bright Earth or lunar surface, but it also means no stars in the picture. Even in space, stars are relatively dim, and simply don’t produce enough light to show up in photos set for bright sunlight.
Why can’t you see the sun in space?
You cannot see sun with bare eye in space as we humans always see reflected light. In fact everything we see is reflective light. When a light Ray falls on a object one Spectre or a particular color is reflected which enters our eyes and then we understand that color.
Why is the sun so hot but it’s cold in space?
Space, however, is a vacuum—meaning it’s basically empty. Gas molecules in space are too few and far apart to regularly collide with one another. So even when the sun heats them with infrared waves, transferring that heat via conduction isn’t possible.
Does the sun shine light in space?
The sun does shine in outer Space. It shines and reflects off of objects. There are very few object in outer space for the sun to shine off of. It is not a wall speckled with lighted dots.
Does the sun make a noise?
The surface of the Sun produces sound waves because the surface is convecting and this produces pressure waves that travel into the inner corona. But yes, the surface does produce sound waves, but they have very low wavelengths measures in hundreds of miles! Dr.
Does the sun make noise deaf?
As it is, it wouldn’t be hard for any literate deaf person to find out that the sounds that the sun makes can’t travel through the vacuum of space. Our reader would probably have learned as much in third grade. BTW, the sun does make noise. The noise doesn’t travel into outer space, but it’s there.
Can you hear the sun from Earth?
Data from ESA (European Space Agency) and NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has captured the dynamic movement of the Sun’s atmosphere for over 20 years. Today, we can hear the Sun’s movement — all of its waves, loops and eruptions — with our own ears.
What is the loudest sound in the universe?
The sound made by the Krakatoa volcanic eruption in 1883 was so loud it ruptured eardrums of people 40 miles away, travelled around the world four times, and was clearly heard 5,000 kilometers away. This is hailed as the loudest noise ever – and reported in.
Can a sperm whale kill you with sound?
Sperm whales are so loud they can kill a human with sound.
Can a loud sound kill you?
The general consensus is that a loud enough sound could cause an air embolism in your lungs, which then travels to your heart and kills you. Alternatively, your lungs might simply burst from the increased air pressure. High-intensity ultrasonic sound (generally anything above 20KHz) can cause physical damage.