What is on the back side of a 2009 penny?
What is on the back side of a 2009 penny?
The four designs to be featured on the reverse of the Lincoln pennies represent four major aspects of President Lincoln’s life: his birth and childhood in Kentucky, his formative years in Indiana, his professional life in Illinois and his Presidency in Washington, D.C. The inscriptions on the reverse of the coins will …
What is the error in the 2009 Lincoln penny?
The doubled die errors make up only a very small percentage of the total Proof cent output because of the many safeguards and examination processes that had to be performed before they were packaged for sale to collectors in 2009.
Why is Abraham Lincoln on the penny backwards?
Abraham Lincoln faces a different direction on the penny because the penny is an adaptation of a plaque by Victor David Brenner. The illustration was placed on the penny as a result of President Theodore Roosevelt’s love for Brenner’s work.
How much is a 2009 penny with a log cabin on the back worth?
2009 Lincoln Log Cabin Penny Value At the time of this writing, log cabin pennies struck for circulation are worth face value if worn. Lincoln log cabin pennies sell for roughly 10 to 25 cents if bought uncirculated from a coin dealer.
Are 2009 coins rare?
There is nothing rare about the 2009 USA mintage as stated above simply a lower mintage year as a result of a recession in this country.
What are the 2009 pennies called?
Lincoln Bicentennial One Cent Program
In 2009, the United States Mint issued four different pennies as part of the Lincoln Bicentennial One Cent Program. The program recognized not only of the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth, but also the 100th anniversary of the Lincoln cent, first appearing in 1909.
How much is a 2009 Lincoln penny worth?
The 2009 zinc pennies are each worth around $0.30 in uncirculated condition with an MS 65 grade. The 2009 copper pennies with the satin finish are each worth around $10 in uncirculated condition with an MS 65 grade.
How does the penny honor Abraham Lincoln?
At the end of its minting, the U.S. Treasury decided to honor President Lincoln’s centennial birthday by putting his image on the obverse (front side) of the one cent coin. The design featured the Lincoln Memorial on the reverse side of the coin and is the most commonly recognized penny today.
What was on the penny before Abraham Lincoln?
Every penny you’ve ever spent probably had Abraham Lincoln on it. He’s been on the front (obverse) of the penny since 1909! The image on the first cent was of a lady with flowing hair, who stood for liberty. The coin was larger and made of pure copper, while today’s penny is made of copper and zinc.
How much is a 2009 e pluribus unum penny worth?
Most 2009 zinc pennies in circulated condition, regardless of series, are only worth their face value of $0.01. These coins can only sell for a premium in uncirculated condition. The 2009 zinc pennies are each worth around $0.30 in uncirculated condition with an MS 65 grade.
Are 2009 coins worth keeping?
As you’ll see below, most 2009 Lincoln cents are worth face value if they’re worn — which would apply to just about any 2009 penny that you’ll find in your spare change. 2009 Birth and Early Childhood (Log Cabin) Lincoln Penny, Zinc & Brilliant Uncirculated — 284,400,000 minted; 20+ cents.
Are 2009 coins valuable?
2009 Dime Values The average price paid for each $5 roll was $12.60. Rolls containing Philadelphia minted dimes averaged slightly under, at $10.89. Denver minted dimes commanded the highest premiums with rolls sold at an average price of $13.61. Glancing at graded dimes, the top MS69 2009-P dimes are commanding $200.
What does the back of a 2009 Penny mean?
Since 1959, the backs of U.S. pennies have shown the Lincoln Memorial, however, in 2009 they decided to make a series of four designs commemorating the President’s bicentennial. These reverses would represent various stages of Abraham Lincoln’s life to celebrate the anniversary.
Where was the 2009 Lincoln Bicentennial Penny made?
Birth and Early Childhood in Kentucky – Nicknamed the Log Cabin Penny, this coin commemorates the birth and early childhood of Abraham Lincoln. The reverse depicts a log cabin and the year 1809, the year Abraham Lincoln was born. Lincoln was born Hodgenville, Kentucky. The coin was released on February 12, 2009, the exact 200th birthday of Lincoln.
How are the new Lincoln pennies going to look?
The new penny designs, which will appear on the reverse, or “tails” side, depict four different periods in the life of revered U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. The obverse remains unchanged. The United States Mint released the new pennies one at a time, each about three months apart.
Who was the designer of the 2009 Lincoln cent?
The 2009 Bicentennial Lincoln Cents feature four different reverse designs, each representing a different stage of Lincoln’s life. The obverse of each coin featured the same likeness of Abraham Lincoln designed by Victor D. Brenner, now in use for an uninterrupted period of 100 years. The new designs were released approximately every three…
Who was the designer of the 2009 Lincoln pennies?
The first of the four new reverse designs for 2009 features Abraham Lincoln’s life as a young boy in Kentucky, where he was born in a log cabin. U.S. Mint Artistic Infusion Program (AIP) Master Designer Richard Masters created this realistic design, which is different from most grade-school textbooks’ depictions of Lincoln’s cabin.
Since 1959, the backs of U.S. pennies have shown the Lincoln Memorial, however, in 2009 they decided to make a series of four designs commemorating the President’s bicentennial. These reverses would represent various stages of Abraham Lincoln’s life to celebrate the anniversary.
The new penny designs, which will appear on the reverse, or “tails” side, depict four different periods in the life of revered U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. The obverse remains unchanged. The United States Mint released the new pennies one at a time, each about three months apart.
Who is on the back of the US penny?
The man on our pennies today is Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president. During the time the Lincoln design has appeared on the obverse (front), several different designs have been used on the reverse (back): first a wheat design, then the Lincoln Memorial. Four designs were used in 2009 (see below), and the union shield design first appeared in 2010.