How do you convert swim times from yards to meters?

May 23, 2021 Off By idswater

How do you convert swim times from yards to meters?

When meter distance = yard distance, yard time = (meter time in sec. – T ) / 1.1 (where T = the difference in the number of turns between short course and long course).

What is converted time in swim?

Unlike conversion from one distance to another, which is precise, a time conversion estimates the time it would take a swimmer to swim a specific distance based on that swimmer’s previous time swimming the same stroke over a different distance.

What is the difference between short course and long course in swimming?

Short Course refers to competitions held in 25 yard pools. Long Course refers to competitions held in 50 meter pools. Swimmers’ Long Course times are almost always slower than their Short Course times for three main reasons: A 50, 100, 200, etc.

What is SCY and LCM in swimming?

SCY- Means Short Course Yards such as the Bettendorf Pool (25 yards) SCM- Means Short Course Meters such as the Pleasant Valley Pool (25 meters) LCM- Means Long Course Meters such as the Mercer in IA City during the summer (50 Meters)

Is long course harder than short course?

The biggie: long course swimming is straight-up tougher. You don’t need me to tell you that. For swimmers going from short course yards to long course meters the difference is even more profound.

Is long course faster than short course?

Short course is significantly faster than long course swimming because of the turns! Each turn does two things: 1) increases speed, and 2) allows for a period of inactivity. Pushing off the wall is much faster than swimming any stroke (including underwater dolphin kick).

What does AA mean in swimming?

Swimming Jargon AA (AA Cut) Is a time classification for a swimmer or a swim. AA is faster than A time standard. AAA (AAA Cut) Is a time classification for a swimmer or a swim sometimes called a Zone cut. AAA is faster than the AA time standard. AAAA (AAAA Cut) Is a time classification for a swimmer or a swim.

How to convert long course meters to short course yards?

When converting long course meters to short course yards and vice verse, use the appropriate conversion factor from the table below. While you multiply the time by the conversion factor to go from meters to yards, you divide the time by the conversion factor to go from yards to meters.

How to convert swimming short course to yards?

To convert from LCM to SCY, use the Men’s 200 meter butterfly conversion factor of 0.866. Phelps’s long course meter world record time for the 200 butterfly equates to 1:36.56 in a yards pool. To convert a time from a 25 yard pool to a 50 meter pool (SCY to LCM), divide the time by the appropriate swimming conversion factor from the LCM table.

How to convert swim time to course time?

The Swim Time Converter converts your swim times between short course meters (SCM), short course yards (SCY) and long course meters (LCM) using Colorado Timing’s conversion factors. You may also enter an altitude adjustment to the conversion. Simply enter your time, course and event, then click “Convert”.

How can I convert my swimming time to altitude?

You may also enter an altitude adjustment to the conversion. Simply enter your time, course and event, then click “Convert”. Your converted time will be calculated and displayed. This swimming time conversion tool is provided courtesy of Brian Stanback.

When converting long course meters to short course yards and vice verse, use the appropriate conversion factor from the table below. While you multiply the time by the conversion factor to go from meters to yards, you divide the time by the conversion factor to go from yards to meters.

To convert from LCM to SCY, use the Men’s 200 meter butterfly conversion factor of 0.866. Phelps’s long course meter world record time for the 200 butterfly equates to 1:36.56 in a yards pool. To convert a time from a 25 yard pool to a 50 meter pool (SCY to LCM), divide the time by the appropriate swimming conversion factor from the LCM table.

The Swim Time Converter converts your swim times between short course meters (SCM), short course yards (SCY) and long course meters (LCM) using Colorado Timing’s conversion factors. You may also enter an altitude adjustment to the conversion. Simply enter your time, course and event, then click “Convert”.

When to use turn factors in course conversion?

These factors apply when you convert Long Distance times from Yards to/from SC Meters. Together with either the Straight Factor or the Turn Factors, they also apply when converting times from Yards to/from LC Meters. If you use turn factors, the difference in the number of turns between 400/500, 800/1000, and 1500/1650 is critical.