What is the control variable in the bouncing ball experiment?

September 18, 2019 Off By idswater

What is the control variable in the bouncing ball experiment?

Dependent Variable: The Bounce (How height is the ball going to Bounce) because of the difference in pressurization. Control Variable: Would be the Height from which the balls are thrown.

What is the spring constant of a tennis ball?

The spring constant is 440n/m, and the spring is initially compressed 45 cm. A 57 g tennis ball leaves the machine horizontally at a height of 1.2m. Calculate the horizontal distance that the tennis ball can travel before hitting the ground.

What is the coefficient of restitution for a tennis ball?

The coefficients of restitution vary according to the ball used; the tennis ball had the highest value (e = 0.82) and the cricket ball the lowest value (e = 0.48).

What is the two ball experiment?

Both balls fall at the same speed but the heavier ball gains more energy during the fall. When the lighter ball bounces on the heavy ball they exchange energy, and the lighter ball flies off with some of the energy of a heavier ball. It reaches way higher than from the height it was released.

How do you find the spring constant of a ball?


  1. The spring constant is k=16kgs−2.
  2. The compression of the spring is x=74m.
  3. PE=12kx2=12⋅16⋅(74)2=24.5J.
  4. KEball=12mu2.
  5. Let the height of the ball be =h.
  6. The acceleration due to gravity is g=9.8ms−2.
  7. The potential energy of the ball is PEball=mgh.
  8. Mass of the ball is m=0.350kg.

Do balls behave like ideal Springs?

the spring is exactly the same as it was before you squeezed. A ball is a lot like a spring. When you throw a tennis-ball against a wall, it gets squished (in the same way that the spring can be compressed).

What material has the highest coefficient of restitution?

Super Ball
The Super Ball is almost perfectly elastic in both the horizontal and vertical directions. The Super Ball has an almost perfect coefficient of restitution and does things other balls do not.

Can coefficient of restitution be greater than 1?

Yes. If a body explodes then Coefficient of restitution can be greater than 1. Going by the definition of Coefficient of restitution, it is simply the ratio between relative velocities of particles before and after an interaction. Mathematically, it is capable of assuming values greater than 1.

How is the bounce coefficient of a tennis ball determined?

In the experiment, “Bounce Height vs. Drop Height”, we determined the bounce coefficients of a tennis ball, ping pong ball, and a golf ball. The procedure also involved observing how the height from which a ball is dropped affects its bounce. A ball’s gravitational potential energy is proportional to its height.

Which is a dependent variable in the tennis ball experiment?

Dependent Variable: The height of each ball after it is dropped from an equal height. Independent Variable: The temperature of one of the tennis balls is cooler compared to one that has not been changed in anyway

How to do an experiment with tennis balls?

1. Place one of the tennis balls in the freezer for 20 mins 2. Place the tape measurer against the edge of a wall using the bluetack 3. Place the video camera on a level that will be able to clearly record the experiment, whilst a person sits beside the tape measurer 4. Turn the video camera on to record everything that happens there onwards 5.

How does heat affect the bounce of a tennis ball?

Appendix. 2 The tennis ball will probably bounce more in hot temperatures and bounce little in the cold. Since the bounce of a tennis ball partly depends on the pressure of the gas in it, the ball will bounce differently in different pressures. Hot temperatures create more pressure whereas cold temperatures do not produce much pressure.